In-kind donations (i.e. tangible goods and services) enable Brent’s Place to focus funding and resources towards meeting the housing and supportive programming needs of families. In addition to providing the essentials our families need, in-kind donations can help reduce the emotional and financial burden faced by Brent’s Place residents as they seek life-saving medical treatment.
To learn more about how you can make a difference in the lives of those facing life-threatening illnesses, view our In-kind Giving Impact Report and the greatest areas of need listed below.
In order to maintain safe living accommodations for our immunocompromised population, we are unable to accept the following in-kind donations:
We cannot accept plush items (stuffed animals, etc.)
We cannot accept any used donations
We cannot accept any open items
We cannot accept any clothing donations
If in doubt, please call 720-343-2800 before bringing your donations to Brent’s Place. Thank you for your support!
Give our residents the freedom to choose with gift cards to retailers, coffee shops, and gas stations.
Deliver a bit of comfort after a long day of medical treatment by sponsoring a hot meal for our families.
Help make a resident’s special day complete by granting their unique birthday wishes.
Provide opportunities for residents to rest, relax, and recharge in the midst of challenging circumstances.
Make it easier for patients and caregivers to keep track of medical information, appointments, and more.
Provide a new family with living essentials, allowing them to settle in and focused on the health and wellbeing of their loved one.
Help protect the most medically vulnerable residents by providing essential items for their living spaces.
Help patients and their families relax and spend time together after long days at the hospital.
Make our residents’ home away from home comfortable with new bedding, linens, and more.