Last year, Aubrie, a spirited 10-year-old, faced a cascade of medical challenges that upended her family’s life. Prompted by a series of alarming diagnoses, they embarked on a journey to Children’s Hospital Colorado, in search of lifesaving medical treatment.

Initially diagnosed with chronic autoimmune hepatitis of the liver, Aubrie’s condition took a turn for the worse when a bone marrow biopsy revealed a new diagnosis – severe aplastic anemia, requiring urgent intervention. 

The severe illness didn’t respond to immunosuppressive therapy, so Aubrie would need to undergo a life-saving bone marrow transplant. While the search for donor stem cells that were a perfect match dragged on, Aubrie’s family rallied around her, embracing every moment, from celebrating her 11th birthday and playing with crazy hair styles – dying it purple and red, and even buzzing-in her initials, knowing it would soon fall out in response to treatment. 

Although Aubrie’s medical team found her perfect match, the road to recovery was fraught with obstacles. Financial strains, compounded by unforeseen challenges like black mold at home, threatened to derail their hopes. 

Enter Brent’s Place – a beacon of hope for families like Aubrie’s. Providing safety amidst the storm, Brent’s Place became their home away from home, offering not just physical shelter, but also unwavering support. With a dedicated team by their side, led by compassionate Brent's Place staff like Family Support Manager Gerri, Aubrie’s family found solace in the midst of uncertainty. 

Aubrie’s mom, Carissa, reflects, “Gerri knows what I need more than I know what I need. I can’t even think of what to ask for, I’m just focused on my daughter. Even when I don’t know what I need help with, she has an idea and will say “there’s something in your mailbox.” Gerri’s deliveries have ranged from ultra-soft mattress toppers, to gluten-free goodies for the family to enjoy. 

Carissa adds, “It's the sweetest things I would never even think about. I had edema when I was pregnant and came home one day to find a blood pressure cuff so I could be sure I was taking care of myself, too.” Supermom Carissa delivered a healthy baby boy on December 15, called Vinnie. 

Aubrie is currently transfusion-dependent and has faced several infections since her transplant, requiring long inpatient stays in December and January. Her family most looks forward to Aubrie’s complete healing and regrowth of her own healthy cells, a medical gift needed to receive the all-clear to go home. 

By supporting Aubrie’s journey, you’re opening doors to hope and healing for countless families facing similar battles. Together, we can make a difference.

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