Brent's Place

Our Summer 2021 Virtual Town Hall

Join Brent's Place CEO, Sean Meyerhoffer; VP of Development, Patrick Hayes; VP of Operations and Culture, Lauren McClanahan; and Marketing and Community Outreach Director, Monique McCoy, for a special conversation […]

Leading with Heart

The servant leadership principles include Empathy, Persuasion, Commitment to the Growth of People, Building Community, and Stewardship. Outgoing Board Chair Tom Whyte brought a unique blend of these characteristics to […]

Brent’s Place 2020 Year in Review

Just as songbird choruses become more frequent and springtime nears, we are still reflecting on how much the world has shifted in the past year. And though the initial swells […]

Brent’s Place Virtual Town Hall

Join Brent's Place CEO, Sean Meyerhoffer, VP of Development, Patrick Hayes, Family Services Director, Allen Browning, and Marketing and Community Outreach Director, Monique McCoy, to hear how your compassion and […]

Happy Fall Equinox

With the onset of shorter days, cooler temperatures, and rich colors, we have arrived at period of transition. You will likely agree that 2020 has proven to be an incredibly […]

This place is for one, and all.

The last three months of the public health crisis have put a significant strain on our organization’s ability to keep our resident families safe; they have created additional hardships for […]