For twenty-five years, the compassionate volunteers of Brent’s Place have lifted up families in times of medical crisis. Their dedicated support, unyielding spirit, and positive energy has created an environment of hope and healing for all those who call Brent’s Place a home away from home. Since it's inception, The Brent's Place Leadership Council (BPLC) has been an important contributor to these efforts.
In 2020, out of concern for the health and safety of our immunocompromised residents, staff, and community, we were forced to temporarily suspend our volunteer program. While we’ve greatly missed the irreplaceable impact the BPLC has had on creating a welcoming and supportive atmosphere for our families, this two-year pause has allowed us the space needed to reimagine our volunteer program as a whole.
With the relaunch of our volunteer program, we have decided to discontinue the BPLC group. The decision to dissolve this volunteer group is by no means a reflection of the group's past impact or our immense appreciation for their service. Instead, we wish to funnel their passion for our mission, talent, and time in new ways as we move forward.
We extend our deep gratitude to all the members of the BPLC. Thank you for all you do – and have done – to make our families' days a bit brighter. We look forward to connecting with you in ways to support our families.